"She loves me? She Loves me Not. She Loves Me? She Loves me Not."- and the petals of the rose fell apart one by one on the soft ground beneath with this slow chanting of my heart. And as the sands of time seep-ed through, the rose bush beside me was slowly becoming naked of its blossoms and if it wasn't for that familiar red hat that I saw from behind the bushes, I would have started to uproot the rose plant.
And there she was, wearing a blazing red hat, small twinkling earings of the shape of a guitar, a sleek silver bracelet in her left arm, a jet black top and a pink capri, she stood in front of me and that was the most beautiful scene I could ever imagine of at that very moment. Spell-bounded and mystified my jaw dropped down, I kept on staring at her and by the time I got my sense back, I could see people around gazing at me wide eyes as though I was some kind of a loafer on the street. Embarrassed on myself i saw the drooping stem of the rose in my hand and threw it away. She caught me throwing the stem away and said "Again???"
I met her three years back at my sister's marriage. Wearing a red lehanga, I saw her giggling amidst her friends. Well all girls giggles, but for what reason, I still haven't managed to figure it out. But then, at that moment I was stuck in a moment through those giggles and her smiles and thought that she is the one and none could be as beautiful as she could be. Somehow I managed to have a chat with her and out of the blues, I took up the courage to ask her out for coffee and thats how it all started. I still remember the day and date when i bent on my knees proposed her on a street full of strangers. And what did she reply? NOTHING!!!....A soft smile and then vanish away. An Illusion!!!
Three years passed away and I still am waiting for an answer. Tomorow she is going to leave for bangalore for further studies but it isn't for the fact that she is going away that is making me sulk but the fact that she is in love with someone else and hence following her path that would lead her to him. Infact, this also isn't the fact thats making me sulk, but the wait for an answer even now when I know she is in love with an other person is what making me all the more impatient.
I accompanied her to the airport the following day. I could see her tears round the corners of her eye and I could feel there still is something between us that could be reaped through, but somehow there is this dam inside her pupils that is stopping those tears to drop off her shiny plated eyelashes. And finally when the time came for us to part our ways, I asked her for the last time for an answer and with a beguile smile and a tender touch on my cheek, she vanishes away again. An Illusion.
Its been years and I still am waiting for an answer. Waiting in vain, searching trying to hear a familiar voice around me just to answer my old question- "Do you Love me?". And suddenly it felt like Gods answering to my prayer, I saw her emerging out the fog, jumping and singing merrily, running off towards me with a face so happy that one could ever be and she crossed the fence with a leap and stood in front of me. But wait! Whats This? The happy face was not there anymore. She somehow looked astonished at the scene she saw. She took her hand out of her pocket and tried to rub off a deep layer of dust from a stone that lay ahead. And I could see those beautiful pearl drop down her face from her eyes. She was crying. She fell on the ground and read the name read on the tombstone- MY NAME. She broke all apart. With a kiss to the dead, she then said through those wet eyes and broken heart- "I am back for you. And heres your answer- Yes I do Love you".
And now my wait ended. Standing beside here in soul but with no body and bones, I could see her, but couldn't touch her and feel her, I stand there helpless and turn my feet away. Now it was the real time for us to part our ways. My wait ended but this time it wasn't her but me who vanished away. AN ILLUSION!!!