I stood still apart from the crowd in a narrow moonlit lane,
My shadow flickered in and out,
Through the branches of overhanging trees breaking in the moonlight.
And gradually my eyes got accustomed to the lack of light,
And slowly my shadow came into the sight.
What marked was my bare chest, hairless,
And through the gloom my eyes red,
the air choked with a sudden loneliness.
Scorched by the ferocity of my gaze,
A pinch of solitude marked the maze,
And I stood alone in the narrow moonlit lane.
The solitude darkness did take to drown in a while
And somehow my lip less mouth curved
into something that looked like a smile.
Going back, when once upon a time,
I've been careless, and so
Thwarted by luck and chance,
Today I stand in midst of the lonliness' dance.
But now its time for a fresh start
To mend my ways onto further follow the path.
I cry out loud over my outpour of mirth,
Its time for rejoice, learn from the mistakes done
And tread on with a brand new birth...
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